Entertaining is an Art, Not a Science


Entertaining is an art, not a science. It’s intuitive and instinctual, meant to reflect your tastes and aspirations. It should be a fun, flowing and immersive experience for your guests. As with anything in life, practice makes perfect. There’s never a fixed tone or mood to set. It’s all subjective and depends on you, your guests and the milieu.

By no means do I pretend to be an expert entertainer. But having surrounded myself with those who are — and having built a business incidental to the fusion of cuisine and camaraderie — I have come to adopt certain entertainer insights which I hope may elevate your everyday:

1. Ambiance. Work to set a tone for the affair. Lighting is key. A careful balance between artificial and natural sunlight can tap just the right mood. I love the use of candles in my home and garden. They set a romantic mood and infuse the air with calming scents.

2. Florals. You can never go wrong with flowers. They make any dinner party more elegant, no matter how arranged. They need not be fancy roses. Simple bouquets from your local farmers market or backyard will often do the trick!

3. Napkins. It’s no secret that Arjuna loves its napkin and napkins rings! These added touches imbue a sense of sophistication and allow your guests to feel like they’re part of an elite, curated gathering. Who doesn’t like to feel special? Adding fun cocktail napkins and cloth napkins can add personality and elevate any gathering!

4. Take-away Gifts. Goodie bags are not just for toddler parties. Everyone loves free swag, so let every guest retire for the evening with a small keepsake, a memoir from the night. Whether it’s fresh baked cookies or even a small keepsake, the idea is that your guests should always remember your soirée as not just some party, but rather a memorable, social gathering.


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